June 22, 2008

La Ramillade 2006 Cotes du Rhone

La Ramillade 2006 Cotes du Rhone
At $9-10, I would have been more impressed. I was a bit disappointed after paying $13 at Sam's Wine and reading an impressive in-store description. The La Ramillade (I realize that's "the" twice, thanks to Mme Erickson, my 8th grade French teacher), has good initial flavors of oak and medium fruit, but finishes with a packed punch of spicy tannins. The bottle didn't mention what grapes composed this Cotes du Rhone; another website said grenache. A poor pairing with my cedar planked wild salmon tonight. The grapey flavors made it taste a bit cheap. That said, as I enjoy a 2nd glass while watching the Cubs continue to beat up on the Sox (SWEEP!?!), it's much nicer in flavor.

All in all, a pretty good inexpensive red, so I'll give it a 5.5/10. Try red meat with this one. Either way "smooth" would not be found in this wine's description. And the name? It comes from the thorns of the local pine tree which workers burn to keep warm during the winter pruning. period.

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